



In January 2023 the company TMK-Artrom S.A. changed its name to ARTROM STEEL TUBES S.A.


Real beneficiary of the TMK-Artrom shares became Hefestos Capital

Real beneficiary of the TMK-Artrom shares became Hefestos Capital

In December 2022, the real beneficiary of the TMK-Artrom shares became the investment fund Hefestos Capital from Serbia, following this transaction, in January 2023 the company TMK-Artrom S.A. changed its name to ARTROM STEEL TUBES S.A.


ARTROM merged with Resita steel mill

ARTROM merged with Resita steel mill

Starting with January 01, 2022 ARTROM (pipe mill) as the absorbing company, merged with the company from Resita (steel mill), former TMK Resita, as the absorbed company. Starting with January 01, 2022 the former steel mill company ceased to exist, the absorbing company ARTROM S.A. being the legal successor of all the rights and obligations of the former company from Resita (former TMK Resita).

The steel mill from Resita – Resita Iron & Steel Works (Combinatul Siderurgic Resita, CSR) – was founded in July 1771 with the commissioning of its first two blast furnaces. CSR expanded and went on to become a major European steel mill during the 19th and 20th centuries.

The steel mill was nationalized in the mid-1900s and was operated by the Romanian government. Renamed Combinatul Siderurgic Resita S.A., the company was listed on the RASDAQ on November 11th 1996 and become public.

The company then went through a difficult transition period, including a failed privatization in 2000 and its subsequent reorganization procedure. On-going problems and conflicting interests led to the cancellation of the first privatization and called for a return of CSR to the Romanian government.

The privatization process was once again reinstated in 2003 and mid-2004 the company was sold by AVAS to Sinara Handel GmbH (renamed later TMK Europe GmbH).

Joining the TMK, the company renamed as TMK Resita in 2006.

In February 2007 in the steel mill from Resita was put in production a Continuous Casting Machine with a yearly capacity of 450.000 tons. In the same year was commissioned also a Vacuum Degases ladle.

In 2009 took place the upgrading of the Electric Arc Furnace.

In the next years different investments took place in the steel mill from Resita like new billets diameters, equipments upgrading, a new scrap yards, bridge cranes, etc, all these investments have like objects to improve the quality, the environmental conditions, products quality control, the production flow, etc.

Starting with January 01, 2022 the former steel company from Resita (former TMK Resita) ceased to exist, being absorbed by ARTROM S.A.


Shares suspended from trading on Bucharest Stock Exchange

Shares suspended from trading on Bucharest Stock Exchange

The shares issued by ARTROM S.A. were traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange starting with 1995 until 2020. The shares of ARTROM SA were suspended from trading starting with 16.04.2020.

In the last years, ARTROM pipes mill and it’s the steel mill from Resita were re-built as an integrated production flow.


ARTROM bought ARTROM Italia srl

ARTROM bought ARTROM Italia srl

In 2019 ARTROM bought TMK Italia srl which is a company with trade activity. The actual name of the company is ARTROM Italia srl.


New Heat Treatment Complex

New Heat Treatment Complex

In February 2018, ARTROM pipe mill officially commissioning the Heat Treatment Complex which completed the second phase of the company’s investment program. With this investment, ARTROM strengthens its market presence with premium pipes for mechanical applications and exploration of oil and gas fields, adding to its investment portfolio another 36 million Euros.

All these investments increased production quality and allow a better and more efficient control of production parameters.


ARTROM USA LLC is founded

ARTROM USA LLC is founded

In June 2016, in USA, ARTROM founded the company which is called today ARTROM USA LLC (100% under Artrom control) which act as an agent in North and South American markets promoting Artrom Steel Tubes products.


New Workshop for automotive and hydraulic cylinder producers

New Workshop for automotive and hydraulic cylinder producers

In June 2015, ARTROM started the production at the new Workshop where offer to its customers different services like cut pipes at fix and very precise lengths (mainly for automotive industry customers) and also services like machining the inner surface of cold-deformed seamless steel pipes by skived and roller burnished operation and outside surface machining through grinding operation, such pipes being used in most cases directly by end users (hydraulic cylinder producers).


Production capacity reaches 200.000 to / year

Production capacity reaches 200.000 to / year

In February 2007, a new pipe manufacturing line was put into operation – a Cross Piercing Elongator. As a result, the production capacity of ARTROM pipes mill now reaches 200.000 tons per year.

Follow a period of few years when in ARTROM pipes mill are done other investments in various quality control equipments (US, Eddy Current, Magnetic Powder Control, Cracks End Detector, etc), Mandrel Rolling Line, cutting and varnishing machines, new halls or buildings modernization, etc.


ARTROM se alătură grupului TMK și este redenumită TMK-ARTROM

ARTROM se alătură grupului TMK și este redenumită TMK-ARTROM

La 1 martie 2006, ARTROM S.A. s-a alăturat celui de-al doilea cel mai mare producător de țevi din lume când a devenit parte a grupului de companii TMK și și-a schimbat numele în TMK-ARTROM.

În ultimii ani, tehnologia și echipamentele au fost modernizate la niveluri de performanță înalte și de ultimă generație. Cele mai multe modernizări au fost realizate după 2001 și încă se implementează altele noi.


Sinara Handel GmbH a achiziționat pachetul majoritar de acțiuni

În 2002, compania germană Sinara Handel GmbH (redenumită ulterior TMK Europe) a cumpărat un pachet majoritar de acțiuni în ARTROM S.A. 


Privatizarea cu STARO GmbH

Ulterior, ARTROM S.A. a trecut prin procesul de privatizare și a devenit o societate public-privată pe acțiuni la data de 30 Aprilie 1999, având compania austriacă STARO GmbH ca acționar majoritar.


Listată la Bursa de Valori București

Listată la Bursa de Valori București

La data de 20 Noiembrie 1995, compania și-a listat acțiunile în cadrul Bursei de Valori din București (BVB).


Redenumită ARTROM S.A.

Redenumită ARTROM S.A.

Se transforma in societate pe actiuni si redumita “ARTROM S.A.”


Producția a început în 1988

Producția a început în 1988


Înființată în 1982

Fabrica de țevi ARTROM a fost înființată în 1982 ca o companie de stat, sub denumirea de „Întreprinderea de Țevi Slatina”.